X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Top 8 OS X Safety Tips
There was a little speculation recently that McAfee had unnecessarily worried people into buying its products with the news that, from 2003 to 2005, the …(read more)
Review: Desktop Manager
Faster computers and an always-on Internet have turned us all into hyper-multitaskers. I have over a dozen windows open on my Mac at any given …(read more)
Review: ThinkFree Office Online (beta)
Not too long ago I reviewed Writely, an online word processor, and suggested it’s ilk is the way of the future. Well, the future rushed …(read more)
Top Toddler Software
When I was my son’s age computers were still the size of a small room. By the time I sat down at my first computer, …(read more)
Is the PowerSquid Surge Protector Worth It?
When I first feasted my eyes on this strange looking product, I thought, “This is all gimmick, no substance.” After all, the PowerSquid by Flexity …(read more)
Podcasting 101
So you want to make a podcast? Podcasting is really just an old thing with a slight twist and a new name. Many *ahem* people …(read more)
Review: SuperDuper! v2.1 Backup Utility
Last week I reviewed Apple’s Backup 3 that uses a traditional approach to backup, backing up selected files and building up a library of backups …(read more)
MacScan & Your Trojan Lesson
Despite the OS X platform being one of the most secure operating systems available, there are still hundreds of bugs just waiting to be exploited …(read more)
Productivity Was Never This Unproductive: A Review of Yojimbo
I have my Backpack account and my Hipster PDA. I read 43Folders with religious fervor. My desk is covered with post-it notes. I’ve read “Getting …(read more)
Review: Apple’s Backup
I’ve long been a fan of Apple’s Backup application. Even though to get the most out of it meant subscibing to .Mac, and sometimes I …(read more)
Hack the Login Window
If you download the latest copy of Cocktail you’ll note that it allows you to change the text of the login window. A nifty feature …(read more)
10 Essential Mac Apps
All Mac users know that the Macintosh platform may not have as many applications as the Windows platform, but the Mac apps available are generally …(read more)