X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Review: Griffin Earjams
First off, the Griffin EarJams are a relatively cheap addition to your collection of iPod accessories. I should really do a list of essential iPod …(read more)
Wannabe or Pro, Rita will improve your drawing
If you are like me, you are always looking for the ultimate something-or-other application. My interest is graphic imaging apps. There’s a wannabe artist lurking …(read more)
4 Steps to Make Your Mail.app Widescreen
Without delving into the good and bad points of Mail.app for OS X, a couple of its features are limited compared to other mail applications. …(read more)
Review: OtterBox Video iPod Case
This is my second OtterBox iPod case. My first, the oPod, I used for my 20Gb 4G. I must say, the idea of ruggedized cases …(read more)
Is Piquant the Utility to End All Utilities?
PiquantMenu1. I don’t know how to say it, and I’m not sure I can even explain what it does, but heck it’s useful! The best …(read more)
The 9 Best Widgets
Little attention has really been given to Widgets since Apple made them the ‘in-thing’ in operating systems (take note of Vista using them) when Tiger …(read more)
Decode Your Digital Photos with Reveal
I like iPhoto. It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t. But it’s still got it’s shortcomings. One of them is that when you click “Get …(read more)
Rhapsody, Real’s Free Music Service, a Viable Music Source?
Few online music services, besides iTunes, support the Macintosh so whenever a company like Real makes an effort it is worth taking notice. Rhapsody 25 …(read more)
Mac Minder: A Parent’s Access Control Tool
In my previous article I showed how OS X’s Parental Controls aren’t quite secure enough when it comes to controlling what applications your kids can …(read more)
Best Open Source Software for the Macintosh
Part philosophy, part community and mainly a smart development model, the open source model of building small and large scale software has made itself an …(read more)
Path Finder: A Finder Alternative?
Until OS X 10.5 arrives on our computers at what is supposed to be the latter part of this year, we’re going to be stuck …(read more)
Ecto Blogging Software (v 2.1)
Blogging is huge. Thousands of people stick their toe - or more - in the blogging ocean every day. If you hang around blogging for …(read more)