X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Review: BOOQ’s Python™XM[system] Laptop Backpack
BOOQ‘s Python XM[system] centres around the Python XM backpack, and includes a Vyper laptop sleeve for your notebook itself as well as an Anaconda 5 …(read more)
DEVONthink - Information Management for Everyone
DEVONthink is essential software for the Mac. Not many applications fall into this category, but DEVONthink is number one among them. In reviewing DEVONthink I …(read more)
Review: OtterBox Laptop Case
OtterBox makes great rugged, waterproof, dirt- and dust-proof cases and I own a bunch of them for a variety of devices and uses. When OtterBox …(read more)
Celtx: Screenwriting For the Rest of Us
The spread of the internet has popularized free software. Before the internet, freeware tended to mean inferior. More specifically, before open source software. Nowadays, you …(read more)
A Guide to Migrating from Mail 2.0 to Thunderbird 1.5
Earlier this week in Ask Apple Matters I answered a users question regarding migrating from Mail 2.0, found in OS X Tiger, to Mozilla Thunderbird …(read more)
Cooliris - The New Way to Browse
A few years ago tabbed browsing became all the rage (or this year if you’re a Microsoft drone). I don’t know if Opera was first, …(read more)
5 Tips For Getting The Best Deal on Apple Purchases
The holiday shopping season is about to take off and for many people a Mac or iPod is on their list. So, doesn’t it make …(read more)
The Perfect Mac Mini Companion: The TVMax by Miglia Technology
It is only a few months before we all get to see the final product of what Apple is codenaming iTV. But if you are …(read more)
iWorkout with the iPod
“Hey you, fatty, you’ve been eating too many dohnuts just recently so it’s about time you got your tub-of-lard butt into gear and did some …(read more)
Review: XtremeMac AirPlay^2
Looks like wires are out and wireless is in. Almost every electronic gadget I see these days claims to be wireless. Bluetooth, FM band, IrDA, …(read more)
Review: Xtrememac Nano Sportwrap
A very good friend of mine, who just happens to have particularly large wrists, recently discovered that his iPod armband could be modified into a …(read more)
20 Useful OS X Tips
Because we are all different, operating system developers always put more than one way of doing things in their systems. One example is there’s often …(read more)